Monday, 28 January 2013

NASA and space secrets

Space as you know is a boundless three-dimensional extent in which objects exist and events occur and have relative position and direction.This is not what is said.It was the definition given to space bbby different scientists who research about space and the day to day happenings in space.NASA as you know was able to make some exciting discoveries about space . Eventhough they have disclosed the secrets relating to discoveries in space,many of the discoveries has not been disclosed.I dont know why are they hiding these from the people.Is it  
because they think people must not know it or because they think there is no need to inform us about it.
  A very good example is  the issue of doomsday. The internet hoax relating to the end of the world had made people believe in it for a long time.It was  few backs before the doomsday,they declared that it was a hoax.If they knew that it was a hoax before ,then why did they took so much time to tell the people that it was an internet hoa.Whether they were not sure about it or they wanted the people to be cheaten.Believing in these internet hoaxes,many people destroyed their lives even before the so called doomsday.If NASA had declared that it was an internet hoax,ten it would not have happened.
If you have any suggestions comment about it in this blog.

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